4C’s for smooth functioning of School after the Lock down

We have been witnessing that COVID 19, has spread across across the world and it has led to health crisis . Apart from the Police, Army & Doctors, even teachers are working hard by adapting the new technologies to educate the students, because the way we bring them up will determine the future of theContinue reading “4C’s for smooth functioning of School after the Lock down”

Emotional Intelligence plays a key role for School Leader success……..

  Due to globalization and other influences,the average age of  workforce is being reduced and 21st century School leaders has to focus on how to manage workforce belonging to different cultures and backgrounds. In managing the workforce of  different cultures and backgrounds, the Emotional Intelligence plays a key role. I strongly believe that the EmotionalContinue reading “Emotional Intelligence plays a key role for School Leader success……..”

CBSE says that school principals should be ‘Pedagogical leaders’. What exactly does it mean?

What is Pedagogy ? It is the study of how knowledge and skills are exchanged in an educational context, and it considers the interactions that take place during learning. In brief it is the study of  teaching and learning process. What is Leadership ? Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people toContinue reading “CBSE says that school principals should be ‘Pedagogical leaders’. What exactly does it mean?”

Effective record keeping helps in executing the school system to run effectively.

We should understand that record keeping is one of the most important management tools in school system. These records keeping will help the management to take the key decisions like “controlling Overhead costs”, “Student & Teacher progress”,”School progress”, etc….. Some of the important reason of record keeping in schools are for Accountability, Decision Making, actsContinue reading “Effective record keeping helps in executing the school system to run effectively.”

Mandatory documents required for CBSE Affiliation as per new CBSE bye laws

1. Registration of Not for Profit Entity (Trust or Society or Section 8 company) The name and address of the Society/Trust/Company in this certificate should be same as mentioned in the CBSE application form. 2. Land Registration and Lease deed between the entity and land owner Lease Document is the land is being leased to the schoolContinue reading “Mandatory documents required for CBSE Affiliation as per new CBSE bye laws”

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